Freedom’s Journey is an awesome two-semester US History class that is being offered by my friend, and veteran homeschool mom, Teri House. Teri has been teaching this course for four years as part of a Thomas Jefferson Education co-op, but now that her own children are moving on to university and community college, she’s ready to share her energy and knowledge with the broader homeschool community. If you can travel to San Marcos, California once a week for a terrific Socratic discussion experience, read on!
In Freedom’s Journey, students will read literature, biographies, and original documents and respond in discussions, written essays, and verbal reports. Stories, art, and games are also included. Additionally, simulation experiences will allow students to participate in reenactments of historic events (like the signing of the Declaration of Independence), debates, and other activities designed to give them a personal understanding of the times. The class covers California’s 9th grade standards for US Government, including an in-depth study of our founding documents from the Magna Carte to the U.S. Constitution.
As an experienced homeschool mom and mentor, Teri understands that every student brings something unique to the discussion, and she encourages each of them “to form and express their own opinions and listen to differing opinions respectfully.” Her ultimate goal for the class is to have students become “conversant in the language and practice of freedom…and have fun!”
Teri has room for a few more students in the class starting September 15th (class size limited to 12 students). The class will meet on Tuesday mornings, 9:00-10:30, at The Movement Church in San Marcos (Rancho Santa Fe Rd & 78). The cost is $120 per semester. Please contact Teri directly for class details, including a reading list and discussion topics.